Sales Policy
First and foremost, we love our goats. We are not breeding for the sake of selling as many as possible to make a buck (no pun intended). We are truly striving to improve the breed and offer a quality registered goat, as well as offer pet goats that may not have the breed conformation standards but come from a good dairy line.
We reserve the right to cancel any sale that deems not a good fit for the goat, and we reserve the right to retain a kid from any breeding.
A 50 % deposit is required if purchasing a goat that we are holding for you. All Deposits are non- refundable if buyer chooses to not complete the sale. Upon an unexpected death of a kid prior to pick-up, we retain the right to transfer your deposit to another kid available or return the deposit.
Full payment is required before a goat leaves our farm. We accept cash, credit card, PayPal, Venmo and certified funds. IF using PayPal or credit card we will add 3% to the purchase to offset transaction fees.
Kids are available as bottle babies (wethers at 2 weeks, does after we have evaluated) and must be picked up within 10 days of full payment unless other arrangements have been made. Deposits of 50% will hold your kid.
If needed, we will board any fully paid kid at $5.00 per day until pick up. (beginning on 11th day after full payment.
Doe Kids will be evaluated as to be sold with or without papers.
Buck kids will be sold as wethers unless we determine they are Buck quality for breeding. We will wether at 12-16 weeks in order to allow them to mature enough for issues with Urinary Calculi to be less problematic. Wethers are priced with the intention of the buyer receiving BACK part of the payment UPON buyer returning for banding at 12 weeks OR showing proof the wether was banded by someone else. We disbud at 10 days unless you have paid full price and choose not to. Discount given for multiples wethers. Buck kids sold registerable price will be listed in sales page.
Goats are priced as registerable and non-registerable (pets) based upon lineage, conformation, and sex. We will provide you with the documentation to register the goat or we can register for you at an additional cost.
Health records will accompany all goats leaving the farm detailing any treatments, vaccines, and/or worming the goat has received. If a health certificate is needed, we will be glad to provide at cost of our vet fees. We also provide helpful goat care information for all goats sold.
If you are unable to pick up from our farm, all shipping expenses will be the responsibility of purchaser. Shipping expense will include shipping crate,
Understand as a buyer, that new environments can be stressful to a goat. You should be prepared to manage so that illness doesn’t occur in your new goat. We cannot be held responsible for what a goat is exposed to upon leaving our farm. If a genetic issue or pre-existing condition is determined that we were not aware of we will work with you to rectify the situation, but an untreated stressed goat can lead to other complications we will not be responsible for. We are available by phone and email if you have any questions after purchase.