MR Goatfeathers Farm
home of Embuzi Soap Company
In 2015 we started this adventure with Nigerian Dwarf Dairy goats. We jumped in with both feet, reading everything we could find from social media to resource books BEFORE we got goats! Once we learned goat husbandry with our first 3 does, we moved to breeding our first registered goat, Tootsie, and learning how to show, participate in DHIR and LA with ADGA.
MR Goatfeathers is an ADGA registered herd and participate in DHIR and LA. DHIR is Dairy Herd Improvement Registry which means we milk test our does in milk. This tests the butterfat, protein and production as well as checking Somatic Cell Count (which helps understand potential sickness). LA is Linear Appraisal wherein the goat is compared to the breed standard and scored on a multitude of points. We chose to go into dairy goats with the purpose of improving our goats with each generation we breed. Our goal is to offer a quality miniature dairy goat for the home milker and offer a conformation correct goat for the showman. We do offer goats as pets as well for those who wish to improve their quality of life with farm animals!